Saturday, May 28, 2011

Exciting Happenings!!!

So, here is the fantastic news of the day- Blake just got a job as the Shipping and Receiving manager for the Nike store here in Smithfield!  I'm so excited for him and I know he'll just love this job!  Me, on the other hand, still unemployed, but starting over on my search on Monday!

Blake is so happy about this position and hopefully will be able to use his history and experience with personal training, etc, and really do well with it!  I know he will!

I'm planning on either finishing up my cosmetology license at school this fall or doing an apprenticeship part time while working part time or full time on top of that.  Things are really going to get busy around here!

I just wanted to make that quick announcement for you all and give you an update!  We hope you're all doing really well and enjoying your Memorial Day weekend festivities!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

FAR Too Long!

I thought it would be a good time to check back to our blog here.....i haven't done so in probably 3 or 4 months and thats way too long, sorry guys!!!

We've just been trucking along here in North Carolina.... working as much as possible and spending time with Blake's family!  It is soooo beautiful here I absolutely love it!  Hopefully within the next month or two I'll be able to post some pictures of us going to the ocean or to the mountains.  We haven't had a whole lot of time to travel around here, mostly just up and around Raleigh, so it will be fun this summer to see what ALL of North Carolina has to offer!

I suppose the biggest news around here is that Scotty McCreery is in the final three on American Idol!  He had his homecoming this weekend but we weren't able to go because I wasn't feeling too hot.  We watched everything on the news though and it was so fun to see!  He grew up just about 20 minutes away from where we're living and there are signs EVERYWHERE to vote for him!  All of the restaurants have "Vote for Scotty!" on their store sign, I'll have to take some pictures for "ya'll" to see!