Thursday, January 13, 2011

Paychecks for Dianna are on Their Way!

You guys will never believe what happened to me this week.  Drum roll please.......I got a part time job as a server, and I potentially have a job back at Nordstroms again but the one here in North Carolina!  This might turn into me getting hired for two jobs in one week!  That's unheard of in this economy and I'm so excited!!  I start my orientation at Lonestar on Monday morning, and I have to e-mail my resume and prior information about my employment in Utah to the manager at Nordstroms tomorrow morning.  I really hope everything works out because I LOVED working at the Nordstroms in Utah.  It has definitely been my favorite job, by far, that I've ever had, and we all know that we're best at doing things we love!

Another exciting thing that happened today is that I get to have a jump start to my gardening journey!  Blake's mom knows how much I'm looking forward to having a vegetable garden in our back yard this summer so she decided to let me start early!  Blake brought home an indoor/outdoor herb garden tonight that she picked up for me earlier this week.  I planted them tonight and will be keeping you all updated on how my herb garden is doing!  Here's a picture of day one of my little guys :)

January 13th 2011
Now, I don't know if any of you have ever had to drive a 16' moving truck ever in your lives, but it tends to be a little bit difficult to back out of things.  For example, our driveway.  The day we took the moving truck back, while Blake was backing it out of the driveway, he accidentally ran over our mailbox and broke it off of it's stand.  We haven't put it back up yet (hopefully they haven't returned any of our mail to the sender yet!!) but we're planning on doing it first thing tomorrow morning.  I'm kind of happy actually because I got to paint our names on it more easily because I was able to bring it inside and paint on a flat surface.  Here's a preview!

I know it's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it's ours :)
We put up a few pictures on the walls tonight at home and I was able to finally clean and organize everything a little bit.  Here's a picture of the Living Room so far!

There's a paper lamp we usually have next to the reeds but I had to put it into a different room for the time being.  I will post a more updated picture later!

Well, my friends, it's time for me to go to bed becauser there is A LOT for me to do tomorrow.  Miss and love you all and I hope everyone is doing as well as we are!


  1. YAY!!!! I'm so PROUD of you! I'm excited for you to be a server, its a tough job but your a tough girl and I think everyone should be a server at least once in their life. Also, fast cash :) And I just know you will get that job at Nordstrom's.. and GOOD point about we do our best at doing things we love. That writing on your mailbox. is. ADORABLE! I love it. Can't wait for when I'm married and can have a "The Bextens" mailbox :) I'm so proud of you babe and I'm so happy your lives are coming together so quickly there. Although I'm jealous it has to be so far away, I am SO glad you did this blog so I can feel closer :) I love you!! Can't wait for the next post!

  2. hey if you succeed at growing that herb garden then give me some pointers, cause i tried growing one last year and it didn't work. i mean, it grew some plants but not nearly enough to use for cooking.

  3. Paystub creator Thank you because you have been willing to share information with us. we will always appreciate all you have done here because I know you are very concerned with our.
