Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Work, Work, Work, Work, WORK!!

It has been so fun working on this house.  I've loved having a project to start every single day (and believe me, I have quite a few projects to choose from!) and see the results at the end of the day!  We've painted, sanded, stained, taken off wall paper, cleaned, thrown away countless cardboard boxes, and taken care of two big puppies all at the same time!  I am exhausted and have lots to work on tomorrow but I just wanted to post a few pictures of the renovation of our cute little home :)

Detroit Tiger colors on the walls of Blake's man cave :)

The foyer before....

More of Blake's cave :) I love the colors and how he painted them, I think he did such a great job!

Contrast of the two colors in the living room.  I'm going to paint those bookshelves and bench also - I can't wait to get it done and post more pictures of it!

What a perfect way to end my day....cuddling on the couch with both my babies.  They were so pooped from playing outside all day today.  I just love them, they are so precious to me :)

Welp, that's all I have for right now!  I finished a lot more today so I'll have to post more pictures tomorrow night after I get things done tomorrow and can take some photos of the progress!  Thanks for staying interested everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh! Best post ever! Blake's bat is going to look AWESOME on that wall! That is so fun. I wish we could paint our mancave but it's the unfinished basement.. oh well, someday! I am PROUD of your hardwork your house is going to be the cutest on the block. And that last picture of you is *precious*. I know how you feel about loving your black lab so much :) Love you babe!
